About the G3PBDP00
When using the G3PBDP00 option card with one of the operator interface terminals of the G3 series HMIs produced by Red Lion will add Profibus DP connectivity to the chosen terminal. The addition of the Profibus DP connectivity allows for blocks of data to be exchanged at high speeds. The data rates of this connectivity will be around 12 MBaud between the appropriate Master PLC and G3 interface terminal on the Profibus network. The DP associated with the Profibus network is described as a Decentralized Periphery and can describe a wide range of input/output devices through a high-speed serial data link attached to a central controller.
There are data tags available with the G3PBDP00 which must be configured to ensure that the attached operator terminal functions as it was designed. There is a Profibus master that will exchange data with slave protocols as respective input and output blocks. The data transfer function in regard to these protocols will be performed through data transfer over the Profibus network or the G3 interface itself. All of the information regarding the configuration of the G3PBDP00 card and the terminal will be found in the attached Red Lion documentation.
When the expansion card is attached to the operator interface terminal there are three additional LEDs that will give state information about the device. The LEDs are data, DP, and WD LEDs, with five functions. The functions are baud search and control, data exchange, and waiting for configuration and parameter telegrams. All of the LED indications will be found on the third page of the associated Red Lion bulletin.